Items always needed by our community partners
You'll find bins on our HOPE Carts - just leave your donation in the appropriate bin and our volunteers will deliver them where they will do the most good. If you have an item for a specific organization on our Community Partner List, please label it. Thank you for your generosity!
If you have large items or quantities, please bring your items to the St. Vincent de Paul Mission Room on the 3rd Floor of the Ministries Building.
Hygiene Supplies
Regular and Travel Sizes are acceptable
Shampoo & Conditioner
Disposable Razors & Shaving Cream
Soap (HOPE Soap, Bar Soap, Body Wash)
Feminine Hygiene
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Bin has packets with instructions
Baby Supplies
Canned & Boxed Food - Suggested Items
(We throw away expired food)
These items will be used for Immerse AR Pantry Boxes:
Pasta Sauce
Peanut Butter
Canned Fruit, Vegetables & Beans
Canned Tuna or Chicken
Cake/Muffin Mix
Nonperishable food for HOPE Sacks: Tuna Cracker snack packs, fruit cups, nuts, peanut butter crackers, etc.
All other food will be donated to St. Theresa Church Pantry or to others in need.
Cleaning Supplies (all kinds)
Spiritual/Faith Books for the CTK Library
Blank greeting cards for LOVE Notes
(we cannot use cards that say "a mass/rosary will be said for you)
Jericho Way, T-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, socks/underwear, coats, jeans, backpacks
We move the majority of these items to the Jericho Way bin.
Dorcas House
Clothing items not suitable for Jericho Way
Household items
Children items
​We cannot accept used baby cribs or carseats!
This list is to give you an idea of where the majority of items are donated. Our HOPE Cart Teams reserve the right to respond to urgent needs and pass items on where they can do the most good.
Click the links below to view the current needs of our community partners